Our publications

Human Rights Capacity-Building Programme

HURICAP has produced various handbooks for human rights organizations, human rights monitors and activists that can be downloaded for free. Most are available in English and French and partly in Arabic, Portuguese, and some African languages.

Biashara na Haki: Impacts of Businesses on Human Rights

The Biashara na Haki series responds to concerns raised by HURICAP’s local partners in Africa about insufficient human rights education materials aimed at local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in relation to corporate-related human rights issues.

More about Biashara Na Haki

Publications on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

HURICAP has published several publications on ESC rights. The original publications were the Haki Zetu series, comprised of a main book and accompanying booklets, which provide a practical toolkit on economic, social and cultural rights to support local activists and development workers using a rights-based approach to tackle economic and social problems.

The newer publication, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Practice – Handbook for Civil Society Organizations and Human Rights Defenders, was developed with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa. It introduces its users to a range of concepts, standards, and planning tools to support and enhance their abilities to demand the realization of economic, social and cultural rights.



Ukweli: Investigating Human Rights Violations

The Ukweli series were developed to be used to monitor, document and report human rights violations. These publications provide detailed guidance to human rights activists and organizations on conducting accurate and high-quality investigations into possible human rights violations. Ukweli is a Swahili word for ‘finding the truth.’

More about Ukweli

Other HURICAP publications

HURICAP has also produced other publications such as Ben ni Walen: Mobilising for human rights using participatory theatre; Siniko: Towards a human rights culture in Africa; and Mapping for human rights.

More about our other publications