Biashara na Haki: Impacts of Businesses on Human Rights

The Biashara na Haki: Impacts of Businesses on Human Rights series responds to concerns raised by HURICAP’s local partners in Africa that there are insufficient human rights education materials aimed at local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in relation to corporate-related human rights issues. The Biashara na Haki series is composed of two handbooks: Part I and Part II, which should be read together. It is available in English and French.

Part I: Knowing your Rights

Part I: Knowing your rights provides readers with an overview of international business and human rights standards, and shows how this legal framework applies to specific human rights issues and actors, including States and businesses.

HURICAP publication Biashara-na-Haki (002)

Part II: Taking Action

Part II: Taking action provides information, practical methods, and tools that civil society organizations (CSOs) and community rights advocates can use to accompany and empower people to prevent or mitigate harm, or to obtain adequate remedy for the harm resulting from business activities.