Membership Council
The Membership Council is the supervising body of Amnesty the Netherlands and represents all members. Composition of the Membership Council and its tasks are laid down in the Statute and General Regulations of Amnesty the Netherlands. Decisions by the Board regarding longer term strategy and financial estimates, annual budget, and annual report and annual financial account need approval of the Membership Council. The Board informs the Council twice a year on the progress of the implementation of Amnesty’s longer term strategy.
The Membership Council has the authority to appoint, suspend and discharge the members of the Board and appoints the members of the Financial Committee and Board of Appeals. It also holds the power to appoint and discharge the external accountant of the organization and to disband the association. The Membership Council has the authority to amend the Statute and General Regulations.
Elections take place every three years and are organized regionally in accordance with the Electoral Regulations. There are five regions and the amount of members in a region determines the number of seats allotted to the Membership Council for that region. All members of Amnesty the Netherlands are eligible for a position in the Membership Council, but they must meet an agreed profile. Members of the Membership Council are elected for a three year term and can be reelected for a second and third term. Newly elected members follow a induction program. All positions are voluntary posts.
Although the elections are organized per region, members of the Membership Council represent all members of Amnesty the Netherlands and are allowed to act without interference of or consultation with the members of their region. However, it is good practice of the Membership Council to maintain contact with the (active) members in their region.
The Membership Council meets twice a year, usually in June and December. In the June meeting the annual report and annual financial accounts of the preceding year, as adopted by the Board, are discussed and approved. In the December meeting the annual plan and budget for the following year, as adopted by the Board, are discussed and approved. In accordance with the Statute, an extraordinary meeting can be held if called for.
The Board is the governing body and upholds the principles of the Code of Good Governance for Charities and acts accordingly. Composition of the Board and its tasks are laid down in the Statute of Amnesty the Netherlands. The Board is entrusted with governing the organization and has final responsibility for the leadership and implementation of Amnesty’s programs and activities. It monitors the implementation of the Membership Council’s decisions. Day-to-day administration of the organization is delegated by the Board to the section director as laid down in a separate Statute (Directiestatuut).
The Board adopts the (longer term) strategy and budget of Amnesty the Netherlands. On a regular base, the section director reports to the Board on the progress of human rights projects, (international) organizational development issues, and income and spending. This enables the Board to adjust the strategic course if warranted. The Board adopts the annual report and annual financial accounts. For the latter, an external accountant informs the Board about his or her findings.
Members of the Board are recruited on the basis of an agreed profile. Specific profiles are drafted for the chairman, treasurer and secretary. Board members are appointed by the Membership Council for a three year term and can be reappointed for a second and third term. All positions are voluntary posts. Currently the Board has nine members. Frank Heemskerk has been the chairman of the Board since 2020.
Unless suspended, all members of Amnesty International are eligible to apply as a candidate to become a Board member. The ‘Nominations Committee Committee’ (Benoemingsadviescommissie) assesses all candidates against the agreed profiles for the vacant positions. This standing committee advices the Board on the suitability of every candidate, in order of preference given candidates’ credentials. Composition and proceeding of this committee are laid down in a regulation as agreed on by the Board and acts accordingly. Board members are not eligible for this committee.