Nieuwsartikelen over vluchtelingen en mensenrechten
Donors failing almost a million South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Rich countries are failing in their obligation to help Uganda support thousands of refugees fleeing death, rape and other…
19 juni 2017
Oeganda: donorlanden laten miljoen Zuid-Sudanese vluchtelingen in de steek
Meer dan 900 duizend Zuid-Sudanezen hebben een goed heenkomen gezocht in Oeganda, op de vlucht voor moord en verkrachting.
EU: Countries held to account for shirking refugee responsibilities
Reacting to the news that the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland will be subjected to infringement proceedings for failing…
Syrian refugees trapped in desert on Moroccan border with Algeria in dire need of assistance
Moroccan authorities are flouting their international obligations to give protection to refugees by entrapping a group of 25 Syrian…
Vluchtelingen en de formatie: waar niet over onderhandeld hoeft te worden
Vandaag peilt Informateur Herman Tjeenk Willink of er bij VVD, CDA, D66 en GroenLinks politieke wil is om de meningsverschillen over migratie te overbruggen.
Italy: Refugees and migrants in the central Mediterranean, cutting the lifelines
Amnesty International is deeply concerned that Italian authorities may be attempting to circumvent their obligation to protect people fleeing…
Formeren met principes
De kabinetsformatie: het liep stuk op migratie. Sommige partijen willen vluchtelingen en migranten zoveel mogelijk buiten onze grenzen houden.
Papua New Guinea: Guardian reveals a policy of cruelty on Manus Island
Responding to The Guardian’s revelations that camp managers and security staff on Australia’s detention centre on Manus Island have…
EU: Historic vote must signal end to Hungary crackdown
Reacting to the news that the European Parliament has voted in favour triggering Article 7, which could restrict the…
Australia / Papua New Guinea: Immigration Dept.’s claims about shooting on Manus Island refuted
Digital verification of images and videos establishes that bullets were fired directly into the Manus refugee centre on 14…
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