Nieuwsartikelen over vluchtelingen en mensenrechten
Thailand: Hard line on refugees leaves thousands vulnerable and at risk
With the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis developing on its doorstep, Thailand must take concrete action to reverse its…
Myanmar: Video and satellite evidence show new fires still torching Rohingya villages
Amnesty International has assessed three new videos taken inside Rakhine State as recently as Friday afternoon showing large plumes…
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi burying her head in the sand about Rakhine horrors
Reacting to today’s speech by Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s State Counsellor and de facto leader, on the crisis…
Myanmar: Scorched-earth campaign fuels ethnic cleansing of Rohingya from Rakhine State
Amnesty International can reveal new evidence pointing to a mass-scale scorched-earth campaign across northern Rakhine State, where Myanmar security…
14 september 2017
Myanmar: Platbranden 80 dorpen brandstof voor etnische zuivering van Rohingya
Uit nieuw bewijsmateriaal blijkt dat het leger van Myanmar met hulp van groepen burgers hele Rohingya-dorpen platbrandt. Dorpelingen die…
Amnesty International USA Responds to Trump Plan to Drastically Decrease Refugee Admissions
Responding to reports that the White House may drastically reduce the number of refugees admitted to the United States…
USA: Justice Kennedy Temporarily Reinstates Refugee Ban
The following is a statement from Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA, responding to the decision by…
Myanmar: New landmine blasts point to deliberate targeting of Rohingya
Two new landmine incidents today, including a blast blowing off a young man’s leg, bring to three the number…
Myanmar: Army landmines along border with Bangladesh pose deadly threat to fleeing Rohingya
Myanmar’s security forces planted internationally banned antipersonnel landmines along its border with Bangladesh which have seriously injured at least…
7 september 2017
Myanmar: officiële verklaring over de crisis in Rakhine-staat is gewetenloos
De leider van Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi verklaarde gisteren dat de regering alle mensen in de deelstaat Rakhine…
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