Hier vind je een overzicht van Amnesty's nieuwsberichten over de mensenrechten in Saudi-Arabië
UN: Shameful pandering to Saudi Arabia-led coalition over children killed in Yemen conflict
The credibility of the United Nations is on the line after it shamefully caved in to pressure to remove the…
Saudi Arabia: Counter-terror court sentences activist for exposing systematic human rights violations
Saudi Arabia’s authorities today continued their relentless efforts to stamp out independent human rights activism by sentencing another key activist…
Saudi Arabia: Surge in executions continues as death toll approaches 100
Saudi Arabia will have put to death more than 100 people in the first six months of this year if…
23 mei 2016
Kinderen gedood door achtergebleven clusterbom-munitie in Jemen
Gezinnen die terugkeren naar hun huizen in Noord-Jemen lopen een groot risico het slachtoffer te worden van niet-geëxplodeerde clusterbom-munitie.
Yemen: Children among civilians killed and maimed in cluster bomb ‘minefields’
Children and their families returning home in northern Yemen after a year of conflict are at grave risk of serious…
Saudi Arabia: Counter-terror court sentences human rights activist in relentless onslaught against civil society
The sentencing of human rights activist Issa al-Hamid to nine years in prison and a travel ban of equal duration…
Alarmerende doodstrafcijfers: hoogste aantal executies in 25 jaar
In 2015 werden meer doodvonnissen voltrokken dan in de afgelopen kwart eeuw. Deze dramatische wereldwijde stijging van het aantal executies…
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