Hier vind je een overzicht van Amnesty's nieuwsberichten over de mensenrechten in Saudi-Arabië
Qatar: Activist at risk of torture after deportation to Saudi Arabia
The government of Saudi Arabia must immediately release the imprisoned Saudi Arabian human rights activist Mohammad al-Otaibi, who is…
Saudi Arabia: Trump visit risks giving green light to violations of human rights
As US President Donald Trump embarks on his first foreign visit to attend the Riyadh summit in Saudi Arabia,…
Export surveillancetools: EU moet daad bij het woord voegen
De verkoop van Europese surveillancetools in de wereld kan problematische situaties opleveren. De exportmarkt is groot en weten er te weinig vanaf.
Yemen: Mounting fears for civilian safety as Hodeidah offensive looms
Fears are growing for the safety of civilians in the strategic western port city of Hodeidah amid reports that…
Qatar must not deport human rights activist at risk of torture and persecution in Saudi Arabia
The Qatari authorities must not buckle to demands from Saudi Arabia if they request the deportation of human rights…
10 april 2017
Doodstrafrapport 2017: China moet aantal executies en doodvonnissen openbaar maken
China’s gruwelijke gebruik van de doodstraf blijft een van dodelijkste geheimen van het land, aangezien de autoriteiten nog steeds…
Yemen: Saudi Arabia-led coalition uses banned Brazilian cluster munitions on residential areas
Amnesty International has corroborated new evidence the Saudi Arabia-led coalition recently fired Brazilian-manufactured rockets containing banned cluster munitions striking…
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