Hier vind je een overzicht van Amnesty's nieuwsberichten over de mensenrechten in Saudi-Arabië
Jemen: het leven vieren tussen het puin
Op Facebook zie ik berichten van connecties uit Jemen over vliegtuigen die ’s nachts dreigend boven de hoofdstad Sana’a…
Saudi Arabia: Arrest of two prominent activists a deadly blow for human rights
Responding to the arrest over the weekend of two prominent Saudi Arabian human rights defenders Abdulaziz al-Shubaily and Issa…
Saudi Arabia: Wave of arrests targets last vestiges of freedom of expression
In the last week Saudi Arabian authorities have intensified their crackdown on freedom of expression, detaining more than 20…
Saudi Arabia: Execution looms for teen tortured to “confess” to protest-related crimes
A young Saudi Arabian Shi’a man who claims he was tortured to “confess” alleged crimes committed when he was…
Yemen: UN must respond as five children killed in night of horror
An air strike which hit Faj Attan, a residential area of Yemen’s capital Sana’a in the early hours of…
Fourteen men at imminent risk of beheading as Saudi Arabia continues bloody execution spree
The Saudi Arabian Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the death sentences of 14 men after a grossly…
Saudi Arabia: Death penalty used as political weapon against Shi’a as executions spike across country
The Saudi Arabian government is employing the death penalty as a political weapon to silence dissent, said Amnesty International,…
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