© Amnesty International

Movies Fleeing the War

Watch the videos accompanying the Fleeing the War package here.
Amnesty also makes new movies of Esra, Majid and Ghatim every year, so that children can continue to follow how they are doing and what they all experience after the flight from their home country.

The story of Ghatim, Esra and Ghatim (15 minutes, 2016):

The story of Ghatim (2016)

The story of Majid (2016)

The story of Esra (2016)


See how the three of them are doing one year (2017) later…

The story of Ghatim (2017)

The story of Majid (2017)

The story of Esra (2017)


See how the three of them are doing two years later (2019)…

The story of Ghatim (2019)

The story of Majid (2019)

The story of Esra (2019)

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