Jongerenpetitie Pak de Macht

Kom met jouw klas in actie voor de Oeigoeren

De Chinese overheid negeert organisaties, mensenrechtenverdedigers en leden van de vrije pers die het gesprek aan willen gaan over mensenrechten. Zo’n gesprek is echter dringend nodig.

Overal ter wereld, en ook in Nederland, zijn Oeigoeren wanhopig over het lot van hun familieleden en worden ze zelf lastiggevallen door de Chinese autoriteiten. Met jouw steun zetten we de Chinese ambassade onder druk.

Er moet een einde komen aan de onderdrukking van Oeigoeren, ook in Nederland! Roep de Chinese ambassadeur op om met ons in gesprek te gaan over mensenrechtenschendingen.

Teken de petitie, stel jouw vraag en laat ambassadeur Tan Jian weten dat hij niet kan weglopen van een open gesprek over mensenrechten!

Ben jij boven de 16 jaar? Teken dan hier!


Lees de petitietekst

To: H.E. Mr. Tan Jian Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Netherlands

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

I am greatly concerned about the worsening human rights situation in China. I am particularly worried about the situation of the Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic groups living in and outside of China.

Amnesty International, a non-governmental human rights organization, has documented the human rights situation in China and reported on the plight of Uyghurs and other ethnic groups. BNNVARA, an independent Dutch media organization, reported on the human rights situation in Xinjiang and the intimidation of Uyghurs in the Netherlands in its program “Pak De Macht” (April 15, 2021).

Both organizations have previously requested the Chinese Embassy to the Netherlands to engage in a conversation with them about these important issues, yet their requests were ignored. This is highly remarkable, as you indicate on your website that you are open for constructive dialogues based on facts and figures.

Amnesty International and BNNVARA (Pak De Macht) currently renew their invitation for an open and truth-based dialogue with you about human rights. In the conversation, they will make room for questions from the Dutch public. They will furthermore use their public channels to ensure that all people in the Netherlands can follow the conversation.

I urgently call on you to accept their invitation.

Thank you for your attention.


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