Amnesty’s Guidelines on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly
Peaceful assemblies have been the driving force behind some of the most powerful social movements, exposing injustice and abuse, demanding…
The Netherlands: Recording dissent: Camera surveillance at peaceful protests in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, the police monitor peaceful protesters with highly advanced cameras such as drones and video surveillance cars. This…
Peru: Who called the shots?
The body of evidence presented in this report reveals a series of actions and omissions from the highest levels of…
Europe: Under Protected and Over Restricted: The state of the right to protest in 21 European countries
Peaceful protest is a powerful and public way for people to make their voices heard. It has long been a…
Guinea: Wounded youth: Care and justice urgently needed for the victims of unlawful use of force in Guinea
This report looks at the situation of people seriously injured by the forces of law and order during protests in…
Sri Lanka: ‘Ready to suppress any protest’: Unlawful use of weapons during protests
Sri Lanka’s law enforcement officials engaged in the violent repression of protests must be held accountable for committing widespread human…
Less lethal weapons
These six sheets give a brief overview of less lethal weapons including their potential effects and risks. They summarize when…
Iran: “They violently raped me”: Sexual violence weaponized to crush Iran’s ‘Woman life freedom’ uprising
Intelligence and security forces committed horrific acts of rape and other forms of sexual violence against protesters arbitrarily detained during…
El Salvador: Behind the veil of popularity: Repression and regression of human rights in El Salvador
This report is the result of three fact-finding missions and 83 interviews, which document the installation of a context marked…
Ben ni Walen: Mobilising for human rights using participatory theatre
Ben ni Walen: Mobilising for human rights using participatory theatre Ben ni Walen presents seven participatory drama methods that incorporate…
Ukweli: Investigating Human Rights Violations
The Ukweli series were developed to be used to monitor, document and report human rights violations. These publications provide detailed…
Publications on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
HURICAP's latest publication, a handbook on ESC rights, targets civil society organizations and human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa.
Biashara na Haki: Impacts of Businesses on Human Rights
The "Biashara na Haki" series addresses the need for human rights education on corporate issues for African NGOs and CBOs, as identified by HURICAP's partners.
Netherlands: Unchecked Power: ID Checks and Collection of Data from Peaceful Protesters in the Netherlands
States are increasingly imposing obstacles to the right to protest. In the Netherlands, authorities are turning to surveillance tools, collecting…
Peru: Lethal racism: Extrajudicial executions and unlawful use of force by Peru’s security forces
Since 7 December 2022, Peru has experienced one of its deepest political and social crises of recent decades. Thousands of…
Nicaragua: A cry for justice: Five years of oppression and resistance
Nicaragua is experiencing a grave human rights crisis characterized by a crackdown on protest and constant attacks on political dissidents,…
Kinetic Impact Projectiles (KIPs) in law enforcement
Responding to the frequent misuse across the globe of kinetic impact projectiles, commonly known as rubber bullets, today Amnesty International…
Thailand: “We are reclaiming our future”: Children’s right to peaceful assembly in Thailand
“We Are Reclaiming Our Future” examines key human rights issues and obstacles impeding children’s full enjoyment of their right to…
Colombia: The police does not care for me: Sexual violence and other gender-based violence in the 2021 National Strike
In this report, Amnesty International reveals repeated and generalized practices of violence against women, children and LGBTIQ+ people in the…
Russia: “You Will Be Arrested Anyway”: Reprisals Against Monitors and Media Workers Reporting from Protests
Over the last 10 years, the human rights situation in Russia has been continuously deteriorating. The authorities have severely curtailed…
Pakistan: Braving the Storm: Enforced disappearances and the right to protest in Pakistan
After exhausting all avenues, families of the disappeared and activists are forced to publicly campaign and peacefully protest against enforced…
Iran: They are shooting brazenly: Iran’s militarized response to May 2022 protests
This research briefing documents how Iranian security forces used unlawful force, including live ammunition, birdshot, teargas and watercannon, to crush…
Protect the Protest! Why we must save our right to protest
Amnesty International has long worked to protect and expand the power of protest in defending and promoting human rights. For…
Striking weapons in law enforcement
Recent footage of police in India attacking protesters and detainees with batons highlights the urgent need for law enforcement agencies…
Iran: In death’s waiting room: Deaths in custody following deliberate denial of medical care in Iran’s prisons
This briefing documents how Iranian officials are committing shocking violations of the right to life by deliberately denying ailing prisoners…
Sri Lanka: Still no answers: An update on the rights of victims of enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka
Victims of human rights violations in the context of the war and its aftermath, bravely continuing their quest for answers,…
Colombia: Shoot on Sight: Eye Trauma in the Context of the National Strike
Colombia: Excessive force by riot police during National Strike left more than 100 people with eye trauma Violence and repression…
Living Ghosts: The devastating impact of enforced disappearances in Pakistan
Living Ghosts, documents how enforced disappearance – in which state agents deny holding an individual or refuse to provide information…
Xenophobic machines: Discrimination through unregulated use of algorithms in the Dutch childcare benefits scandal
Social security enforcement agencies worldwide are increasingly automating their processes in the hope of detecting fraud. The Netherlands is at…
Sri Lanka: From burning houses to burning bodies: Anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s Muslim community have faced incidents of violence, discrimination and harassment for decades. Most recently, since 2013, there have…
Chile: Criminal liability of commanders for omission in connection with crimes committed during the social unrest
Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to analyse the criminal liability for omission of the authorities and commanders…
Netherlands: Still no Safety: Venezuelans denied protection in Curaçao
Since Amnesty lnternational’s initials report in 2018, the rights of Venezuelans who have fled to Curaçao are still violated. They…
Afghanistan: The fate of thousands hanging in the balance: Afghanistan’s fall into the hands of the Taliban
The Taliban have attempted to portray to the world that they will respect human rights- however the ground reality is…
France Police Violence: A new report by Amnesty International highlights abusive and illegal use of force during the Teknival rave in Redon, in June 2021
As this week, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, closes the Beauvau security consultations, which aim to…
Amnesty International: Blunt Force – Investigating the misuse of police batons and related weapons
Time and again, law enforcement officials are too quick to resort to the use of force, often against peaceful protesters exercising their rights to freedom of…
Syria: “You’re going to your death” Violations against Syrian refugees returning to Syria
Syrian intelligence officers have subjected women, children and men returning to Syria to unlawful or arbitrary detention, torture and other…
Nicaragua: Where are they?: Enforced disappearance as a strategy of repression
Since 28 May 2021, the government of Daniel Ortega has pursued a new phase of its repressive strategy. Characteristic elements…
Russia: No place for protest
The right to freedom of peaceful assembly is a fundamental human right enshrined both in international and regional treaties to…
Chemical irritants in law enforcement
Across the world, from the streets of Thailand to Philadelphia (USA), from Greece to Chile, the police continue to use…
Climate change, justice and human rights
This collection of ten essays explores the opportunities, threats and difficulties at the nexus of human rights and climate change.
Human Rights Committee 2nd Draft General Comment on the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
In November 2019, during its 127th session, the Human Rights Committee finalised its first reading of draft General Comment 37…
Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: China
Essaybundel: wat betekent de toenemende invloed van China voor de internationale bescherming en bevordering van mensenrechten?
PHRP Expert Meeting on Predictive Policing
On 20.-21. May 2019, the Police and Human Right Programme (PHRP) of Amnesty International Netherlands held an expert meeting on…
Sri Lanka: Executions will not end drug-related crime
Executions will not end drug-related crime in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka plans to revive the death penalty 43 years after the last execution was carried out.
Dominican Republic: Police routinely use rape and commit other forms of torture to punish women sex workers
Police in the Dominican Republic routinely rape, beat, humiliate and verbally abuse women sex workers
Projectile electric-shock weapons: An Amnesty International position paper
Projectile electric-shock weapons (PESWs) have the potential to cause serious injury or even death. Thus, whilst this weapon may have…
Denmark: Pervasive “rape culture” and endemic impunity for rapists exposed
Demand grows for rape laws to recognise need for consent Denmark’s reputation for gender equality masks a society with…
Madagascar: Unjustified, excessive and prolonged pre-trial detention keeps thousands in life-threatening prison conditions
People who have not been found guilty of any crime are dying in Madagascar’s prisons due to appalling conditions,…
Chad: People forced to pay a heavy price for harsh austerity measures
A host of austerity measures implemented by the Chadian authorities is pushing people into deeper poverty, undermining access to necessary health care and putting education beyond the reach of many, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.
Short paper series no 4: Police and human rights defenders
In 2018, PHRP finalised the fourth paper of the short paper series on police and human rights defenders. Across the world, more and more human rights defenders focus on policing related issues or come into contact with police while carrying out their human rights activities.
Zimbabwe: Elections offer a chance to break with decades of gross human rights violations
Zimbabwe's election will take place in the context of decades of politically motivated gross human rights violations, including mass killings, the forced disappearance of critics and suppression of peaceful protesters.
Malawi: Impunity fuels killings of people with albinism for their body parts
Malawi: Impunity fuels killings of people with albinism for their body parts
Find more country reports in the PHRP resources database
This database is an initiative of the Police and Human Rights Programme (PHRP) of the Dutch Section of Amnesty International.
Online abuse of women thrives as Twitter fails to respect women’s rights
On the day Twitter celebrates 12 years since the first tweet, Amnesty launches a new campaign challenging the company’s…
Myanmar: Fresh evidence of ongoing ethnic cleansing as military starves, abducts and robs Rohingya
The Myanmar security forces’ devastating campaign against the Rohingya population in northern Rakhine State is far from over, Amnesty…
Zimbabwe: Inconsistent laws and sexual taboos put adolescent girls’ health and futures at risk
Adolescent girls are being put at risk of harmful consequences, including dying in childbirth, in Zimbabwe because inconsistent laws…
Colombia: Government fails to keep civilians safe as new threats go unchallenged
A year on from the signing of the Peace Agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas…
Mexico/Central America: Authorities turningtheir backs on LGBTI refugees
The lives and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people (LGBTI) from violence-ridden El Salvador, Guatemala and…
Philippines: ‘Battle of Marawi’ leaves trail of death and destruction
Civilians on the island of Mindanao paid a high price with dozens killed and widespread destruction of homes and…
Thailand: Hard line on refugees leaves thousands vulnerable and at risk
With the world’s fastest growing refugee crisis developing on its doorstep, Thailand must take concrete action to reverse its…
Chad: Increasing use of repressive laws amid brutal crackdown on human rights activists
Human rights defenders, citizens’ movements, unionists and journalists critical of the government are facing growing danger as the government…
Peru: Authorities neglect Indigenous Peoples exposed to contaminated water
The Peruvian government is neglecting the health of hundreds of Indigenous people whose only sources of water are contaminated…
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Last chance for justice for over 20,000 wartime sexual violence survivors
A quarter of a century after the start of the conflict, more than 20,000, survivors of wartime sexual violence…
Mexico: Arbitrary detentions taint “new” justice system
The toxic combination of a flawed judicial system, untrained police officers and widespread impunity are encouraging arbitrary detentions and…
India: Overuse of pre-trial detention continues to violate detainees’ rights
Legal safeguards to prevent excessive pretrial detention are routinely flouted across states in India, leading to the violations of…
Rwanda: Decades of attacks, repression and killings set the scene for next month’s election
Two decades of attacks on the political opposition, independent media and human rights defenders have created a climate of…
South Sudan: Killings, mass displacement and systematic looting as government forces purge civilians from Upper Nile
Tens of thousands of civilians in South Sudan’s Upper Nile region were forcibly displaced as government forces burnt, shelled…
Donors failing almost a million South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Rich countries are failing in their obligation to help Uganda support thousands of refugees fleeing death, rape and other…
Myanmar: Ethnic minorities face range of violations including war crimes in northern conflict
Civilians from minority ethnic groups suffer appalling violations and abuses, including war crimes, at the hands of Myanmar’s military…
Nepal: Unscrupulous recruiters given free rein to exploit migrants
The Nepali government is failing to address rampant deception and extortion in the country’s labour recruitment business, putting migrant…
Cambodia: Courts of injustice
Cambodia’s government is using its courts to silence human rights defenders and political activists, Amnesty International says today in…
Tajikistani lawyers harassed, intimidated and imprisoned
Tajikistani authorities have dealt a major blow to the legal profession through political manipulation of the criminal justice system…
USA: Health of pregnant women being jeopardized by punitive laws
A set of US laws which claim to promote maternal and infant health are in fact driving pregnant women…
Turkey: “Professional annihilation” of 100,000 public sector workers in post-coup attempt purge
The dismissal of more than 100,000 Turkish public sector workers is arbitrary and has had a catastrophic impact on…
Australia / Papua New Guinea: Immigration Dept.’s claims about shooting on Manus Island refuted
Digital verification of images and videos establishes that bullets were fired directly into the Manus refugee centre on 14…
Danish and German children scarred by invasive surgery to “normalise” their sex
Children born with sex characteristics that do not fit with female or male norms risk being subjected to a…
Nepal: Two years on, the government continues to fail marginalised earthquake survivors
Two years today after a large earthquake shook Nepal, destroying more than half a million homes and damaging a…
Death Penalty: World’s biggest executioner China must come clean about ‘grotesque’ level of capital punishment
China’s horrifying use of the death penalty remains one of the country’s deadly secrets, as the authorities continue to…
Sri Lanka: Victims of disappearance cannot wait any longer for justice
Sri Lanka will not break with its violent past until it reckons with the cruel history of enforced disappearance…
Nieuwe essaybundel: Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: Russia
Strategische Verkenningen van Amnesty Nederland lanceert een nieuwe bundel over Rusland in de serie Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy.
Azerbaijan: Activists targeted by ‘government-sponsored’ cyberattack
Azeri human rights activists, journalists and political dissidents have been the targets of a fraudulent and sustained ‘spear phishing’ campaign.
Tunisia: Abuses in the name of security threatening reforms
Tunisian security forces’ reliance on the brutal tactics of the past, including torture, arbitrary arrests, detentions and restrictions on…
Portuguese publications Ukweli
Sudan must end politically-motivated attacks on Darfuri students
The Sudanese government must end politically-motivated and sometimes deadly attacks on Darfuri students at universities across the country, said…
Benin: Death row prisoners held in cruel limbo
Prisoners on death row in Benin are languishing in a cruel limbo after a court decision last year effectively…
CAR: Urgent need to rebuild justice system as war crime suspects roam free
Individuals suspected of committing war crimes including killing and rape during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR)…
United States of America (USA) – Guantánamo, a symptom of double standards on human rights
On 1 January 2017, the USA took a three-year seat on the UN Human Rights Council, after being voted…
Pakistan: How the blasphemy laws enable abuse
Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are often used against religious minorities and others who are the target of false accusations, while…
Crimea: In the Dark: The silencing of dissent
The Crimean Tatar community has been subjected to systematic persecution by the Russian authorities since the occupation and illegal…
Ethiopia: Government blocking of websites during protests widespread, systematic and illegal
The Ethiopian government systematically and illegally blocked access to social media and news websites in its efforts to crush…
Mongolia: Thousands at risk of homelessness due to authorities’ urban redevelopment failings
The Mongolian authorities’ are failing residents of Ulaanbaatar with an urban redevelopment process that is putting thousands of people…
Autres publications
Ben ni Walen – Mobiliser en faveur des droits humains en utilisant le théâtre participatif Ce présente sept méthodes de…
Haki Zetu : Les DESC en pratique
La série de fascicules Haki Zetu constitue une boîte à outils pratique à l’intention des ONG et des OBC qui…
Ukweli: Manuel relatif à la surveillance et à la documentation des violations des droits humains en Afrique
La série Ukweli se compose d’un manuel principal qui identifie et définit les actions à mener pour enquêter sur…
Jamaica: Illegal police tactics fuel scores of murders and sow culture of fear
Jamaican authorities and local police are promoting a culture of fear amongst women and their families in marginalized communities…
Bahrain’s UK-backed human rights bodies fall short on 2011 promises of reform
Five years after Bahrain’s 2011 uprising, which saw peaceful protesters beaten, shot, and killed in the streets, key reforms…
Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: Germany
Strategische Verkenningen van Amnesty Nederland lanceert nieuwe bundel over Duitsland in de serie Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy.
Broadcasting injustice, boasting of mass killing – A case study of the August 2016 execution of 25 Sunni men in Iran
On 2 August 2016, 25 Sunni Muslim men – 22 of them from Iran’s Kurdish minority and the other…
ICC: States must strengthen, not abandon, only route to justice for millions of victims
Victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and other serious violations deserve to have their day in court, Amnesty…
Myanmar: Prison reforms must respect human rights
Myanmar’s government must seize the opportunity to break with its grim past where prisoners were subject to torture and…
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