Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Rapport

    Rapport: Syrische luchtmacht bombardeert eigen burgers

    Syrië heeft in november 2014 luchtaanvallen op al-Raqqa uitgevoerd waarbij tientallen burgerdoden vielen: een schending van internationaal recht.

  • Report

    Somalia: People with disabilities exploited, raped and abused

    More than two decades of conflict, inadequate health services and discrimination have left people with disabilities in Somalia at risk…

  • Report

    Iran: Proposed laws reduce women to ‘baby making machines’ in misguided attempts to boost population

    Women in Iran could face significant restrictions on their use of contraceptives and be further excluded from the labour market…

  • Report

    Azerbeidzjan, gastheer van de Europese Spelen, speelt vals

    ‘Alle fundamentele vrijheden worden in Azerbeidzjan gerespecteerd’, verklaarde president Ilham Aliyev vorig jaar voor de Raad van Europa. De werkelijkheid…

  • Rapport

    Isolatie in vreemdelingendetentie, schadelijk en onnodig

    De plaatsing in isoleercellen van in detentie verblijvende vreemdelingen is schadelijk, en is ondanks toezeggingen door de regering niet afgenomen.

  • Report

    Multinationals and Transparency in Foreign Direct Liability Cases

    On 16 June 2014, Amnesty International Netherlands and the Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists (NJCM) organized the…

  • Report

    Ukraine: One year after EuroMaydan protests, justice denied for victims of violence

    A deeply imbedded culture of impunity, lack of expertise and in some cases, deliberate obstruction, are denying justice to the…

  • Rapport

    ‘Ik stond in brand’ – schendingen rond Monywa-mijn in Myanmar

    Canadese en Chinese mijnbouwbedrijven profiteerden van mensenrechtenschendingen begaan door de Myanmarese regering, zoals gedwongen huisuitzettingen.

  • Report

    Bulgaria must investigate and prosecute hate crimes to end climate of fear

    Bulgaria’s failure to adequately investigate and prosecute hate crimes is fuelling fear, discrimination and ultimately violence, says Amnesty International in…

  • Report

    Untold stories of Syria’s most vulnerable refugees

    A new report from Amnesty International throws the spotlight on the human face of Syria’s refugee crisis, through the stories…