Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Report

    Congo-Brazzaville: Mass deportations of DRC nationals may amount to crimes against humanity

    Police violence, persecution, arbitrary detentions and rape amid a security operation to deport tens of thousands of DR Congo nationals…

  • Report

    Egypt: Generation of young activists imprisoned in ruthless bid to crush dissent

    A continuing onslaught against young activists by the Egyptian authorities is a blatant attempt to crush the spirit of the…

  • Publication

    Deadly Force – Police use of lethal force in the United States

    Hundreds of men and women are killed by police each and every year across the United States. No-one knows…

  • Report

    USA: All 50 states fall short of international standards on police use of lethal force

    All 50 US states and the District of Columbia fail to comply with international standards on police use of lethal…

  • Report

    Myanmar’s media stifled by climate of fear

    Myanmar’s authorities are intensifying restrictions on media as the country approaches crucial national elections, scheduled to be held in November,…

  • Report

    World leaders’ neglect of refugees condemns millions to a life of misery and thousands to death

    World leaders are condemning millions of refugees to an unbearable existence and thousands to death by failing to provide essential…

  • Rapport

    Amnesty niet welkom in Azerbeidzjan tijdens Europese Spelen

    Amnesty is niet welkom in Azerbeidzjan om een rapport te presenteren over de inperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in de aanloop naar Europese Spelen.

  • Report

    Ireland’s abortion law treats women like vessels

    Pregnant women and girls risk putting their health and lives in danger if they remain in Ireland, Amnesty International said…

  • Rapport

    IS in Irak: een jaar verder

    Sinds 2014 regeert gewapende groep Islamitische Staat over Irak. Met name sjiitische moslims en religieuze en etnische minderheden zijn doelwit van terreur.

  • Report

    Cambodia: Victims of protest crackdowns denied justice

    The Cambodian authorities must provide justice to those killed, disappeared and injured during the crackdowns on protests by security forces,…