Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Rapport

    Australische grenswacht schuldig aan mensensmokkel

    De Australische kustwacht mengde zich in mensensmokkel door bemanningsleden van een boot met 65 asielzoekers te betalen om terug te varen naar Indonesië.

  • Rapport

    Massale huisuitzettingen Turkmenistan in aanloop naar sportevenement

    Ruim tienduizend huizen zijn met de grond gelijk gemaakt om de hoofdstad van Turkmenistan ‘te verfraaien’ voor de Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games 2017.

  • Report

    Mexico: Spike in torture reports reveals deepening human rights crisis

    Mexico’s torture epidemic has reached new catastrophic levels with reports of asphyxiation, rape and other sexual abuse, electric shocks and…

  • Report

    Southeast Asia: Persecuted Rohingya refugees from Myanmar suffer horrific abuses at sea

    Rohingya women, men and children attempting to flee persecution in Myammar by boat earlier this year were killed or severely…

  • Rapport

    Rapport onthult ernstige fouten in Indonesische doodstrafzaken

    De Indonesische regering ondermijnt het internationaal wat betreft doodstraf: geen contact met advocaat mogelijk en door marteling bekentenissen afdwingen.

  • Report

    Syria: US ally’s razing of villages amounts to war crimes

    A fact-finding mission to northern Syria has uncovered a wave of forced displacement and home demolitions amounting to war crimes…

  • Report

    Yemen: Call for suspension of arms transfers to coalition and accountability for war crimes

    Damning evidence of war crimes by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, which is armed by states including the USA, highlights the…

  • Report

    Myanmar: Almost 100 prisoners of conscience behind bars ahead of elections following intensifying repression

    Myanmar’s authorities have been locking up and harassing scores of peaceful activists as part of an intensifying and far-reaching crackdown…

  • Report

    Hungary: EU must formally warn Hungary over refugee crisis violations

    The Hungarian government has invested more than 100 million euros on razor-wire fencing and border controls to keep refugees and…

  • Report

    Kenya: Authorities must keep promise to compensate victims of forced eviction

    In a welcome U-turn, Kenya’s highway authority (KENHA) has admitted that it was wrong to forcibly evict more than one…