Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Publication

    Ben ni Walen: Mobilising for human rights using participatory theatre

    Ben ni Walen: Mobilising for human rights using participatory theatre Ben ni Walen presents seven participatory drama methods that incorporate…

  • Publication

    Ukweli: Investigating Human Rights Violations

    The Ukweli series were developed to be used to monitor, document and report human rights violations. These publications provide detailed…

  • Haki Zetu

    Publications on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    HURICAP's latest publication, a handbook on ESC rights, targets civil society organizations and human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Publication

    Biashara na Haki: Impacts of Businesses on Human Rights

    The "Biashara na Haki" series addresses the need for human rights education on corporate issues for African NGOs and CBOs, as identified by HURICAP's partners.

  • Report

    Netherlands: Unchecked Power: ID Checks and Collection of Data from Peaceful Protesters in the Netherlands

    States are increasingly imposing obstacles to the right to protest. In the Netherlands, authorities are turning to surveillance tools, collecting…

  • Report

    Peru: Lethal racism: Extrajudicial executions and unlawful use of force by Peru’s security forces

    Since 7 December 2022, Peru has experienced one of its deepest political and social crises of recent decades. Thousands of…

  • Report

    Nicaragua: A cry for justice: Five years of oppression and resistance

    Nicaragua is experiencing a grave human rights crisis characterized by a crackdown on protest and constant attacks on political dissidents,…

  • Publication

    Kinetic Impact Projectiles (KIPs) in law enforcement

    Responding to the frequent misuse across the globe of kinetic impact projectiles, commonly known as rubber bullets, today Amnesty International…

  • Report

    Thailand: “We are reclaiming our future”: Children’s right to peaceful assembly in Thailand

    “We Are Reclaiming Our Future” examines key human rights issues and obstacles impeding children’s full enjoyment of their right to…

  • Report

    Colombia: The police does not care for me: Sexual violence and other gender-based violence in the 2021 National Strike

    In this report, Amnesty International reveals repeated and generalized practices of violence against women, children and LGBTIQ+ people in the…