Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Report

    Bahrain’s UK-backed human rights bodies fall short on 2011 promises of reform

    Five years after Bahrain’s 2011 uprising, which saw peaceful protesters beaten, shot, and killed in the streets, key reforms…

  • Buitenlandse agentenwet Rusland

    Rusland: vierjarig bestaan ‘buitenlandse agentenwet’

    Op 21 november 2012 trad in Rusland de ‘buitenlandse-agentenwet’ in werking. Honderd organisaties zagen subsidies teruglopen en medewerkers werden bedreigd.

  • Publication

    Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: Germany

    Strategische Verkenningen van Amnesty Nederland lanceert nieuwe bundel over Duitsland in de serie Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy.

  • Logo Eerlijke Verzekeringswijzer

    Grote verschillen in maatschappelijk beleid verzekeraars

    De verschillen in de kwaliteit van het maatschappelijk beleid van de tien grootste levensverzekeraars in Nederland zijn opvallend groot.

  • Report

    Broadcasting injustice, boasting of mass killing – A case study of the August 2016 execution of 25 Sunni men in Iran

    On 2 August 2016, 25 Sunni Muslim men – 22 of them from Iran’s Kurdish minority and the other…

  • Report

    ICC: States must strengthen, not abandon, only route to justice for millions of victims

    Victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and other serious violations deserve to have their day in court, Amnesty…

  • Somalische vluchtelingen in Dadaab wachten op vliegtuig naar Somalië

    Kenia dwingt vluchtelingen terug te keren naar Somalië

    Kenia kondigde in mei aan dat ’s werelds grootste vluchtelingenkamp Dadaab op 30 november dicht gaat. Somalische vluchtelingen dienen terug te keren.

  • Report

    Myanmar: Prison reforms must respect human rights

    Myanmar’s government must seize the opportunity to break with its grim past where prisoners were subject to torture and…

  • Report

    Iraq: Kurdish authorities bulldoze homes and banish hundreds of Arabs from Kirkuk

    Kurdish authorities have carried out a wave of attacks, demolishing the homes and driving out hundreds of Arabs from Kirkuk,…

  • Report

    Canada: Rampant resource development puts Indigenous women and girls at higher risk of violence

    New report documents government failure to protect rights and calls for rigorous protections for Indigenous women and girls in all…