Archief rapporten en publicaties

  • Report

    Sudan must end politically-motivated attacks on Darfuri students

    The Sudanese government must end politically-motivated and sometimes deadly attacks on Darfuri students at universities across the country, said…

  • Belgische oproerpolitie door de straten van de Brusselse wijk Molenbeek, april 2016.

    EU: antiterrorisme-wetten hollen rechten uit

    Vergaande nieuwe antiterrorisme-wetten brengen Europa in een gevaarlijke situatie van toenemende overheidscontrole en beperking van de vrijheid van burgers.

  • Report

    Benin: Death row prisoners held in cruel limbo

    Prisoners on death row in Benin are languishing in a cruel limbo after a court decision last year effectively…

  • Report

    CAR: Urgent need to rebuild justice system as war crime suspects roam free

    Individuals suspected of committing war crimes including killing and rape during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR)…

  • Report

    United States of America (USA) – Guantánamo, a symptom of double standards on human rights

    On 1 January 2017, the USA took a three-year seat on the UN Human Rights Council, after being voted…

  • Sjiitische strijder uit Irak uit bij de stad Tal Abtah, Irak, 30 november 2016.

    Irak: Wapenleveranties wakkeren oorlogsmisdaden door milities aan

    Paramilitaire milities in Irak begaan oorlogsmisdaden in de strijd tegen IS. Deze wapens worden indirect geleverd door de VS, Europa, Rusland en Iran.

  • Report

    Pakistan: How the blasphemy laws enable abuse

    Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are often used against religious minorities and others who are the target of false accusations, while…

  • Vluchtelingenkamp voor Rohingya in Bangladesh.

    Veiligheidstroepen Myanmar doden en verkrachten Rohingya

    Een grote veiligheidsoperatie van het Myanmarese leger in het noorden van deelstaat Rakhine gaat gepaard met gruweldaden gericht tegen de Rohingya-bevolking.

  • Gewapende mannen voor een belangrijk ambtsgebouw van de Tataren op de Krim.

    Crimea: In the Dark: The silencing of dissent

    The Crimean Tatar community has been subjected to systematic persecution by the Russian authorities since the occupation and illegal…

  • Jongeren proberen wifi-verbinding te maken in Ethiopië

    Ethiopia: Government blocking of websites during protests widespread, systematic and illegal

    The Ethiopian government systematically and illegally blocked access to social media and news websites in its efforts to crush…