Tajikistani lawyers harassed, intimidated and imprisoned
Tajikistani authorities have dealt a major blow to the legal profession through political manipulation of the criminal justice system…
USA: Health of pregnant women being jeopardized by punitive laws
A set of US laws which claim to promote maternal and infant health are in fact driving pregnant women…
Turkey: “Professional annihilation” of 100,000 public sector workers in post-coup attempt purge
The dismissal of more than 100,000 Turkish public sector workers is arbitrary and has had a catastrophic impact on…
Schrikbarende toename van aantal moorden op mensenrechtenactivisten
Advocaten, journalisten, gemeenschapsleiders en andere mensenrechtenverdedigers zijn wereldwijd steeds vaker het slachtoffer van intimidatie, vervolging en geweld. Dit concludeert…
Australia / Papua New Guinea: Immigration Dept.’s claims about shooting on Manus Island refuted
Digital verification of images and videos establishes that bullets were fired directly into the Manus refugee centre on 14…
Danish and German children scarred by invasive surgery to “normalise” their sex
Children born with sex characteristics that do not fit with female or male norms risk being subjected to a…
Amnesty International kritisch over mensenrechten in eigen land bij Nederlands ‘mensenrechtenexamen’ in Genève
Op woensdag 10 mei spreekt de VN-Mensenrechtenraad in Genève tijdens de Universal Periodic Review (UPR) over Nederland. De…
Bangladesh: Critici gevangen tussen angst en onderdrukking
De regering van Bangladesh slaagt er niet in andersdenkenden te beschermen, en het lukt de autoriteiten evenmin om gewapende…
Heksenjacht op dissidenten in Venezuela
Venezuela voert heksenjacht op dissidenten. Journalisten, activisten en demonstranten worden nietsontziend vervolgd en bestraft.
Nepal: Two years on, the government continues to fail marginalised earthquake survivors
Two years today after a large earthquake shook Nepal, destroying more than half a million homes and damaging a…
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