India: Overuse of pre-trial detention continues to violate detainees’ rights
Legal safeguards to prevent excessive pretrial detention are routinely flouted across states in India, leading to the violations of…
Irak: oorlogsgeweld heeft catastrofale gevolgen voor burgers in Mosul
Nieuw Amnesty-rapport At any cost: The civilian catastrophe in West Mosul, Iraq. Over oorlogsmisdaden tegen burgers tijdens het conflict in Mosul, Irak.
Repressie, aanvallen en moorden in aanloop naar verkiezingen Rwanda
Repressie van de politieke oppositie en onafhankelijke media zorgt voor een klimaat van angst in aanloop naar presidentsverkiezingen Rwanda.
Rwanda: Decades of attacks, repression and killings set the scene for next month’s election
Two decades of attacks on the political opposition, independent media and human rights defenders have created a climate of…
Uitgezet: hoe een steeds strenger uitzetbeleid kan leiden tot mensenrechtenschendingen
Gedwongen vertrek van asielzoekers en migranten moet een uiterste middel zijn en alleen plaatsvinden als de mensenrechten daardoor niet in het geding komen.
South Sudan: Killings, mass displacement and systematic looting as government forces purge civilians from Upper Nile
Tens of thousands of civilians in South Sudan’s Upper Nile region were forcibly displaced as government forces burnt, shelled…
Donors failing almost a million South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Rich countries are failing in their obligation to help Uganda support thousands of refugees fleeing death, rape and other…
Myanmar: Ethnic minorities face range of violations including war crimes in northern conflict
Civilians from minority ethnic groups suffer appalling violations and abuses, including war crimes, at the hands of Myanmar’s military…
Nepal: Unscrupulous recruiters given free rein to exploit migrants
The Nepali government is failing to address rampant deception and extortion in the country’s labour recruitment business, putting migrant…
Cambodia: Courts of injustice
Cambodia’s government is using its courts to silence human rights defenders and political activists, Amnesty International says today in…
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