Multinationals and Transparency in Foreign Direct Liability Cases
On 16 June 2014, Amnesty International Netherlands and the Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists (NJCM) organized the expert meeting ‘Multinationals and Transparency in Foreign Direct Liability Cases’.
Key note speakers were Audrey Gaughran (Amnesty International), Liesbeth Enneking (Ucall & Molengraaff Institute at Utrecht University), Remme Verkerk (Houthoff Buruma), David Chivers (Erskine Chambers) and Cees van Dam (King’s College London, Chair International Business and Human Rights at Erasmus University and Molengraaff Institute Utrecht University). Their contributions on respectively access to remedy, transparency in foreign direct liability cases, Dutch and UK disclosure rules and EU developments regarding evidence and disclosure can be found in the report below.