Our work & results

Over the past years, HURICAP has trained and supported a large number of organizations and activists, and as a result, they are now better equipped to research violations, to seek publicity and to defend their rights. They use their knowledge and skills to inform their co-citizens on their rights and call on relevant authorities to ensure human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled.

The above video features the work of human rights monitors in South Kordofan (Sudan), who were trained by HURICAP. The video was made with the support of ASN Bank that financially contributed to HURICAP’s work in Sudan, South-Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.



Human rights violations through repression by state actors

Intervention zone:


Main interventions:

Twenty monitors are the first to have followed HURICAP’s fully online Monitoring, Documentation and Reporting (MDR) training course. They are operating in Burundi, with the support of two Burundian organizations in exile. Partners have produced reports on enforced disappearances, freedom of expression and assembly and other civil and political human rights. Such reports were used to pressure the Burundian government, which released a number of prisoners as a result. The reports are shared with Burundian authorities, with international non-governmental organizations, and with UN bodies and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Human rights violations by state actors and armed groups in conflict zones; Businesses and human rights

Intervention zone:

North Kivu and Haut Uélé

Main interventions:

The North Kivu province is the theatre of bloodshed caused by both military forces and armed groups. Our partners publish reports about documented cases of human rights violations and confront authorities during panel discussions. This for instance led to the closing of illegal detention centres where prisoners were tortured.

In Haut Uélé, the mining company Kibali Gold evicts communities for business purposes. People living in the area are made aware of their rights – through community meetings and the distribution of an educational comic book – and are supported in claiming them.



Human rights violations by state actors and armed groups in conflict zones

Intervention zone:

Southern Oromia

Main interventions:

The number of conflicts in Ethiopia has increased tremendously since 2018. HURICAP works with an Ethiopian partner to collect and disseminate more information about the plight of civilians in such a conflict.



Human rights violations and abuses regarding the transitional justice process; Sexual and gender-based violence; Human rights violations against different components of the community

Intervention zone:

Kurdistan and Nineveh

Main interventions:

Partners in Iraq are engaged in ongoing lobby and advocacy campaigns in the areas of transitional justice, sexual and gender-based violence or violations that concern the Yezidi community. A challenge they face is the lack of well-documented evidence. HURICAP provides training and coaching in documenting and reporting about cases in the respective areas to improve the campaigns and advocacy actions.



Gross human rights violations as a result of security operations; Elections and human rights documentation; Empowerment of women human rights defenders

Intervention zone:

Nairobi, North East and Coast regions

Main interventions:

Cases are documented and followed up by local monitors. Research into the impact of gross human rights violations on victims is conducted by local partners with support of HURICAP. Women human rights defenders are supported to counter issues of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Occupied Palestinian Territories


Violations and abuses of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Intervention zone:


Main interventions:

International advocacy capacity building for human rights organizations in East Jerusalem to conduct Lobbying and Advocacy towards international duty bearers. Most important topics of advocacy are violations of housing and residency rights of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, with a focus on gender inequalities and the ban on family reunification.



Human rights violations by state actors and armed groups in conflict zones

Intervention zone:

Liptako-Gourma: the tri-border region covering parts of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso

Main interventions:

HURICAP supports four partners in the Sahel region. Through regional cooperation in documenting cases, an overview is established of violations and abuses committed in the entire Liptako-Gourma region, that stretches over three countries. This serves as evidence-base for lobby and advocacy towards national authorities and regional bodies.

South Sudan


Civic space-related human rights violations committed by state actors

Intervention zone:

Juba, Yei, Wau, Bentiu and Torit

Main interventions:

Civic space is highly restricted in South Sudan. HURICAP has trained and coached local monitors to document cases where human rights defenders, activists and journalists are silenced. These include cases of arbitrary arrests, harassment and threats of HRDs, closure of CSOs and censorship of the media.



Human rights violations and abuses by state actors and non-state actors in armed conflict

Intervention zone:


Main interventions:

The current war disrupted plans and progress in Sudan. The programme in Sudan is reorienting its focus to address recent human rights violations and abuses, through (women) human rights defenders ((W)HRDs) in exile.



Human rights violations and abuses by state and non-state actors

Intervention zone:


Main interventions:

With support of HURICAP, a Yemeni human rights organization created a training unit with the purpose of training and coaching Yemeni CSOs and human rights defenders across the country. Main topics are monitoring, documentation and reporting (MDR) of human rights violations, providing legal support to victims of arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, and torture. Yemeni trainers contextualized the HURICAP training manuals and developed new ones to use them in their courses.